

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Some Questions About Smartphone Batteries And Answers

Since you have been using your phone, there might have been some questions about your battery, bothering your mind which intend to have no definite answer or solution when seeking for solution. I have been in this state before and after a long intense research, it happened to yield out good result which i decided to bring out and publicize to my readers.

Some Questions About Phone Batteries And Answers

Question 1: Must You Charge Your New Phone To Full Capacity Before Using It?
  • Answer:  The answer is absolutely 'YES'. To determine a good battery, you have to charge the phone to its full capacity. This is no more the time of NiCad (Nickel cadmium), the era has been long gone and nowadays, Lithium-ion based batteries which do not use 'chemical memory' as it's the case with NiCad which caused the battery to be dependent on how it is being charged or discharged.
 Question 2: Does your battery quality deteriorate with time? 
  • Answer:  The answer to the question is 'YES'. Your battery decrease automatically over time even if you are not using it. Some people loves phones with huge battery capacity and one year down the line, the battery get worse and you begin to wonder what you have done wrong. Lithium-ion batteries of today are built to last a certain number of cycles. Assuming, you use 80% of battery in one day and charge up to 100%, and use up to 20% the second or next day, it is assumed you have used drained up the juice of that battery to qualify for a cycle. Depends on the device, a battery would have to go between 300 and 500 cycles before they attain about 75% of their original capacity.
Question 3:  Will leaving my phone charging for a long time spoil my phone?
  • Answer: I will say 'YES' and 'NO' to these question because normally, as our phone type of battery which is likely to be Lithium-ion based is equally programmed to stop current inflow when it has charged up to its full capacity. The temperature of where you charged depends because if you charge a phone in a hot place, there are chances that your phone might explode or swell up. I won't stand against charging phone overnight.
Question 4:  The Optimum Way Of Charging Your Device?
  •  Answer: To be briefShane Broesk, a battery expert, advised a 'frequent top-ups, rather than one daily charge up, is healthier for your battery'. To give your battery a longer life, ensure to charge up your phone before it gets off. Always charge up because that's the best and optimal way to charge your phone.

These are the most frequent asked questions i was able to collect and garner together for prexbloggers and i fully hope, this will give you a daily guides on how to be cautious with your battery.

Feel free to ask more questions and it will be answered, resolved & put through immediately

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