

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Bride and groom fall off back of luxury car

It wasn’t funny at all for a bride and groom and their guests after the couple fell off a car driving them to their happily ever after just after their wedding reception. But in hind sight, it makes for a good laugh.  At the close of their wedding, bride Hana Haka Noland and her new husband Tyler Noland balanced (or so it seemed) on the back seats of a convertible and waved goodbye to their guests. But as the car pulled away, the newlyweds fell flat out of the car.
Before the vehicle moved, the excited honeymoon bound bride is seen throwing her hands in the air and calling on the driver to move it. “Leggo Dave!" she screamed.
It takes a few moments for the whole thing to register with the guests, who seem to stand among the pair in total disbelief. 

Neither the bride nor groom were hurt and flew away on their honeymoon the next day - with both of them now finding the situation, entirely caught on video, absolutely hilarious.  
"Now that it's been a few weeks, we can look back at this and laugh," Hana wrote on Facebook. "After all, if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? Thankfully no one was hurt and we love Dave so much." She added the hashtags #LEGGODAVE #HowNotToExitAWedding #StillTheBestWeddingEver #FastForwardOneMinute #FeelFreeToShare #AlwaysWreckinEm.

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