

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Marco Rubio opens Twitter 'investigation' into failed Ivanka Trump hug

Washington (CNN)Sen. Marco Rubio went on a tweetstorm Tuesday afternoon after his greeting with Ivanka Trump on Capitol Hill earlier that day went viral.
A picture of the two apparently attempting an embrace surfaced on social media soon after the pair met at the Capitol to discuss tax reform and parental leave.
Ivanka Trump, daughter of President Donald Trump, is greeted by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., as she arrives at the Capitol to meet with lawmakers about parental leave, in Washington, Tuesday, June 20, 2017.
Hours after the photo began to make the rounds on Twitter, Rubio responded from his account, saying he had just learned of the photo and would open his own investigation to expose what really happened during his encounter with Trump.
    Two minutes later, Rubio tweeted again, saying he has his own evidence to add to the discussion.
    He also added that he and his team were attempting to obtain video footage of the encounter to expose what really happened between himself and the White House adviser and first daughter.
    A call for help came next, when Rubio asked those who happened to be filming at the Senate carriage entrance Tuesday between 11:20 a.m. and 11:25 a.m. to hand over their footage.
    Thirty minutes after Rubio opened the investigation, he tweeted out a photograph that shed new light on the supposed hug.
    Just over a half hour after that first photo, Rubio tweeted another image providing a different perspective, announcing it as "BREAKING NEWS."
    In a seventh tweet, Rubio closed the case by saying the evidence, and his own memory, concludes that no hug was attempted, although the images seem to show something different.
    He closed out by calling the "press covfefe" false, a nod to the now famous misfire from President Donald Trump's Twitter account.
    Soon after Rubio closed the case, Ivanka responded to the "anonymous sources" by giving no comment.
    She also retweeted Rubio's tweet with the photo of the blurred faces, calling it "Fake news!" and ensuring that her followers know that Rubio is, in fact, a good hugger, despite Rubio's denial of the hugs.
    However, the two subjects of the investigation gave conflicting accounts of what exactly occurred.
    While Rubio claims a hug did not take place, Trump's tweets signify that a hug did indeed happen between the two.
    While we may never know the truth, Rubio did show off his solid investigative chops. Maybe the senator has a future in journalism?

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