

Friday 2 June 2017

How To Use Labels In Blogger For A Clear Navigation

How to use labels in blogger for generating a clear navigation? We know that blogger doesn’t support categories like WordPress to sort blog posts. The only option to arrange your content properly is using labels smartly in blogger. If you don’t have a clear concept to use labels, it will harm your blog in a different way.
I will show you how to overcome all of these critical issues regarding blogger labels. Also, I will tell you what are labels in blogger and how to use them properly. Moreover, you will learn the limitation of using labels for a single post and how to make a clear navigation by using blogger labels.
Previously I have published an article on how to add pages in blogger. There I have shown how to generate menu bar in blogger by using pages and some custom blogger labels. In this tutorial, you will learn everything about labels. So if you wish to add labels in blogger menu tabs, you can read the previous one. Ok, now let’s come to the point.

Importance of Categories Blog Posts.

We usually sort our blog contents for giving a clear navigational experience to our readers. Suppose, a person lands on your blog via the search engine. He may get the required information and need to read more on that particular topic. Then where will he find it? If you use labels properly, you will give him the total number of articles on that topic in one place.
Because a label of all relevant content will sort every single article on that topic in one place. When your reader will get much more in what he was expecting, he will spend more time on your blog. So the bounce rate will decrease dramatically. Even, the user experience will remain flawless.
If you are a new blogger and hope to earn money from your blog, you should know that providing a clear navigation is one major recommendation by google to get google Adsense account approval. I hope it is clear to you that using labels is very important.

What Are Labels In Blogger?

Now, we know the importance of using labels in blogger. Let’s learn what are labels in blogger blog. Working with blogger is pretty complicated than WordPress. But, when you will get familiar with blogger, then using it will also become very easy to you. I am talking about WordPress because blogger labels are exactly same of WordPress categories.
People get confused because of the WordPress’s additional feature called “TAGS”. Tags are not available in blogger. You actually don’t need this feature for blogging. WordPress gives an extra layer of sorting contents by letting people put tags on their post. In blogger, there is one option to sort your blog posts and it is “LABELS”.
It makes blogger easier to use. People don’t get confused here. It is true that a single blog can cover many different topics. You can use a label for each category to categories your posts. Let me give you an example: Suppose you are blogging on Making Money Online, Online Jobs, and Freelancing.
You wrote a blog post on How To Get Online Jobs. So, you can put the Label “Online Jobs” for this post. If you write another post about an online job in future, you can put the same label on that post too. In this way, all of your posts about “Online jobs” will remain under a single label (Category). When your readers will visit this label, they will get all related posts in one place.

How To Use Labels In Blogger?

This is a tricky question. Many bloggers still don’t know how to use labels in blogger for providing a clear navigation to their readers. Also, they don’t understand how to use labels for improving the user experience of their blog. Remember, don’t make your blog confusing to your readers by using unnecessary labels.

How Many Labels Should I Use In Blogger?

Obviously, blogger has no restriction to create as many labels as you want but my suggestion is creating only one label for a single post. If it is needed, you should think about the label before writing the blog post. Think about the relevancy of the post with your blog topics and then put the name of the label wisely. The standard format for creating label is not using more than three words for each.
Many bloggers think that labels will work as a keyword. But let me remind you that labels are used to improve user experience, not for improving search engine ranking. So don’t fall into the trap. By default, blogger doesn’t let the search engine index your labels. Labels are blocked via robots.txt.
In the new blogger interface, it provides “Custom Robots Header Tags” setting to control the robot activity. Please recheck your blog setting by going “Settings > Search preferences > Custom robots header tags > Edit > Yes” to ensure it is looking like this:
Blogger Custom Robots Header Tags Settings

How To Create Label For Blog Posts?

1. Login to the blogger account and click on the “New Post” button.
2. You will see the “Labels” option under the “Post settings” section at the right side of blogger post editor. Click on it.
3. You will see a text box. Put the label/labels into the box and click on the done button.
How To Create Label For Blog Posts?
4. After publishing the post you will find it under this label.
After creating labels for some blog posts, you can add it to your blog’s navigation bar. Here is a complete solution to create menu tabs in blogger with labels. Watch this tutorial to show the navigation bar to your readers and improve the user experience of your blog. Also, blogger provides a free widget to show your blog’s labels in any widget area.

How To Use Labels In Blogger Widget Area?

Blogger provides a custom Gadget to show all of your labels of your blog to your readers. The default widget has the option too to show the total number of posts inside each label. You can simply check the box named “show number of posts per label”. Also, you can configure the gadget to show some selected labels, display, and sorting option.
You can add this gadget in a different location of your blog as many times as you want. But my suggestion is to use this only once in the sidebar. This gadget is also well known as “Archive” in the blogger world. Let’s see step by step:
1. To add this label widget in your blog, you must log in to your blogger account and go to the “Layout” section.
2. Find an “Add a Gadget” link of the area where you want to show labels of your blog. In my case, I will add it in my blog’s SIDEBAR.
Use Labels In Blogger Widget Area-1
3. Click on the “Add a Gadget” link. A popup window will open. Scroll down a little to find the “Labels” gadget.
4. Click on the plus button > Configure the Gadget > Click on the “Save” button. Now go to your blog and refresh it. You will see all of your post labels.
Use Labels In Blogger Widget Area-2
I hope you have understood how to use labels in blogger. Still, if you have any quarry regarding the above topic, you can get in touch with me via comment. If you like this tutorial, please subscribe this blog and share this tutorial for supporting us.

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