

Tuesday 20 June 2017

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Labour's mask slips on this 'Day of Rage'

If Jeremy Corbyn truly believed in democracy, he’d roundly condemn today’s ‘Day of Rage’, organised by the storm troops of the hard Left to bring London to a halt and help overthrow the Government.

Leave aside the sickening way his Marxist supporters have exploited the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire to promote their hate-filled agenda – ‘hijacking our grief’, in the words of local residents and churches.

The very thought of a revolutionary mob seeking to overturn an election result should horrify anyone who cherishes our constitution and rule of law.
Yet from the Labour leader, deafening silence. Worse, he has pandered to protesters’ thirst for class war by echoing their demands to seize the empty homes of the rich.

People walk through Kensington to protest against the deaths at Glenfell Tower last week

People walk through Kensington to protest against the deaths at Glenfell Tower last week
As for Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, yes, he has said half-heartedly that he ‘repudiates’ the Day of Rage. Yet as the Mail reveals, he has given his backing in the past to the protest’s organisers from the chillingly-named Movement for Justice by Any Means Necessary.

Meanwhile, this man who would be chancellor has egged on union militants to topple Theresa May in a ‘Red October’, with mass protests and a summer of strikes that could do untold harm to the economy.

During the election, Messrs Corbyn and McDonnell presented themselves as misunderstood idealists. How quickly the mask has slipped. And what a warning to anyone tempted to give them power.
Spoken like a Brit!

At the height of Project Fear, Mark Carney missed no opportunity to talk Britain down, predicting disaster if we broke free from Brussels. What a difference a year makes.
In a fine speech yesterday, the Canadian Governor of the Bank of England went in to bat for Britain, delivering a blunt warning to the EU: hands off the City.
Spelling out a much-needed lesson in global finance, he warned Germany and France they would inflict massive damage on Europe’s economies if they pushed through their long-held ambition to steal part of London’s mammoth currency trading business.

At the height of Project Fear, Mark Carney missed no opportunity to talk Britain down, predicting disaster if we broke free from Brussels

At the height of Project Fear, Mark Carney missed no opportunity to talk Britain down, predicting disaster if we broke free from Brussels
As he pointed out, Frankfurt and Paris are simply not big enough to handle the £750billion of euro trading carried out smoothly every day in the Square Mile, with its world-beating expertise.

True, Mr Carney couldn’t resist warning that the early stages of withdrawal may be painful. But how his tone has changed since the referendum. He now speaks like a true Briton, determined to make Brexit a success and even applying for UK citizenship. The Mail rejoices that, at last, he seems firmly on Britain’s side.
Warning to EU elites

Today comes a timely reminder to Europe’s political and financial class of precisely why Britain voted Brexit a year ago this Friday.
In a hugely revealing mass survey, think-tank Chatham House finds a yawning chasm between the EU’s elites and the general public across the 28-nation bloc, with 71 per cent of privileged ‘influencers’ saying they’d done well out of the EU, against only 34 per cent of the public.

As for the EU’s failures, voters stressed the refugee crisis and migration, while the elite were worried chiefly about red tape.
If Jean-Claude Juncker and Co want to stop others following Britain, they should start listening, double quick, to those whose interests they profess to represent.
  • As four Barclays executives face fraud charges over actions they took to avoid a state bailout in 2008, this paper has a question. Isn’t there a certain irony in the fact that, while Lloyds and RBS took billions from taxpayers, the only bankers being prosecuted are those who sought to solve their problems without our help?

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