

Thursday 1 June 2017

10 Quickie Tips and Tricks To Massively Increase Your Blog Traffic

10 Quickie Tips and Tricks To Massively Increase Your Blog Traffic

Blogging is not hard, keeping up is.
You can write anything, it’s your blog but when it comes to traffic, the ball moves to your audience’s court.
If you want your blog to be flooded with traffic, you need to get into action now.
Here are some of the best actionable tips and tricks to drive huge traffic to your blog.

If you think writing awesome content alone is important to get readers glued, let me tell you, your content will be called “awesome” only when people read it and that is why this post on how to get those people to read your blog is crucial. So read mindfully.
When it comes to increasing blog traffic there are millions of creative ways to increase blog traffic. And I am here to show you some sure shot methods to get the ball rolling. At the end of each point, I will point out some awesome actionable tips which will help you double or triple your traffic.

1) Let Alexa bring you traffic:

We all bloggers are well aware of Alexa. Alexa ranking is measured by people who visited your site, but with alexa toolbar installed in their browser. If you want to improve your alexa ranking I have a detailed post on it.
I am not here asking you to improve alexa but saying you to perform a site query of your site on alexa. For this, go to , where you replace my domain with yours.
On opening the page, you will find the top queries that send organic traffic to your blog. Usually, these are the ones not clearly defined by Google analytics.
alexa top keywords
It’s your turn now, go and write the posts in a more detailed way and optimize them with the best on-page and off-page SEO.
Actionable tips:
1) Perform a site analysis on Alexa.
2) Optimize your posts or write completely new ones around the keywords you are ranking for.

2) Write evergreen posts:

Moz describes evergreen content as the ones that have continued and evergreen success. Most evergreen posts are based on long-term topics which generate decent traffic throughout the years for several years after publishing.
Evergreen lists posts are the ones that usually have higher ranks in the SERPs. For writing evergreen posts, I would suggest you to use the following techniques.
  1. Go to Reddit: Type your keyword in the search box; go to a sub-reddit if there is one. Check the threads to get keyword ideas from queries people have been consistently asking. Go write a post on it.
  2. Write list posts on commonly used tools in your niche. If you are a flower blogger, write about top 50 flower species that grow year round. If you are a movie blogger, write about [N] movies that are based on sci-fi thriller, where N is any number.
3) Publish the hell out of your blog posts: When we are talking about evergreen posts, our promotional strategies should also be evergreen. You should promote your evergreen posts almost every month. If you are like me too busy, then follow my time-saving trick:
Sign up to hootsuite and then schedule all your posts in advance. This feature will help you to save all your efforts while promotion of your blog posts will be on automation.
Actionable tips:
  1. Go and search for keyword groups people are querying almost every day.
  2. Write well defined and meaty list posts on them.
  3. Automate your promotion by using hootsuite.

3) Do guest blogging:

Did you know ace bloggers like Jon Morrow were guest bloggers long before they had a blog for themselves? Yes, guest blogging has always worked for them. If they could use guest blogging to create a buzz around a non-existent blog and then launched their blogs with a bang, why not you.
Caution: I am not saying you to indulge in spammy link building through guest blogging, but I am saying you can always do it legitimately in order to make it work.
Actionable tips:
  1. Look for guest post opportunity on high authority blogs on similar niche as yours.
  2. Use these Guest blogging tips for higher exposure
  3. Even if they don’t allow you link, it will help you build an authority and people will Google your name to get to your blog.

4) Target long tail keywords:

Long tail keywords are the keyword phrases consisting of 3 or more words and generally tend to have low competition. It is, therefore, easy to rank your pages built around long tail keywords. Rankings are directly proportional to the traffic

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